Thursday, July 19, 2018

Heart Blackened /침묵 (2017)

People said that blood is thicker than water. Well ... that's what this movie show.

 Im Tae San was an influential businessman. He had an only child, a daughter, Im Mi Ra. He also had a fiancee, a famous singer, Park Yoona.
Mira didn't received Yoona's presence well in their family. It seemed that Yoona came to take over her mother's position. Yoona - Mira's relationship got worse after one of Mira's friend found Yoona's past sex tape.
In a drunk state, Mira called Yoona and asked her to come to the club. They fought at the club restroom. Mira left Yoona and drove her car in her drunk state. As she passed out and arrested for her D.U.I, Yoona was found dead in the parking lot of her apartment. She was brought to the hospital but could be saved.
Soon Mira became the  prime suspect of the murder case. She was the last person that was seen with Yoona.

Im Tae San was the fiancee of the victim. Bu he also the father of the suspect. He investigated the case to find the truth cause Mira couldn't remember anything for the event at all.
Tae San hired Choi Hee Jung, a young attorney to defend his daughter. Their investigation led them to Kim Dong Myeong, Yoona's fansite owner / stalker. At the past, he was caught to put cctv without concern to stalk Yoona. He was the one who brought the key proof of the case.
Choi Hee Jung, in the other part was an earnest lawyer. She fought for the truth and believed that Mira was innocent. She asumed that Im Tae San's assistant was the culprit. She brought the proof how Yoona's expensive watch that was given by Tae San, was being sold at the market.
Dong Seong Sik, the prosecutor of the case, strongly believed that Mira was at fault. And he also believed that Tae San would fabricated the proof to save Mira. A call from Dong Myeong changed everything.
In the trial, Dong Myeong brought a flash disk which contain a cctv video of the murder. Tae San, snatched away the proof and kidnapped Dong Myeong right before the trial. As Hee Jung saw it, she told Prosecutor Dong and forced Tae San became a witness. Prosecutor Dong proceeded a permit to frisk Tae San.

The video proof show that Tae San was the culprit. Mira fainted and Tae San was arrested right away.

Mira was released and met with Jung Seong Gil, his father's assistant. She was sure that the girl at the video proof was not her. She asked Jung for the truth.
Jung only said that Mira couldn't handle the truth. But he handled her a handphone and a key. Those two items made Mira and Hee Jung flight to Bangkok.
They found a warehouse in Bangkok as shown in the only picture stored at the phone. When they went inside, they saw the exact copy of the murder place.
Im Tae San made a fake video with the help of Jung and Dong Myeong after he saw that his daughter was really the real culprit. He went casting the girls to be Mira and Yoona. He built the exact copy of the parking lot. He became one of the actor of the fake video as the main culprit.
Mira got the truth and visited his father. She asked what should she do : saying sorry to him or thanking him as he took the punishment instead of her.
It was a sad ending.

Well, the ending scene when Tae San and Jung ate noodles was so sad. It contains so much emotion.
But the whole story makes me feel that both the prosecutor and attorney are so stupid, getting blind over a subtle proof without investigate it thoroughly. 
Prosecutor Dong get a promotion. attorney Choi makes her own law firm. But Im Tae San is punished for her daughter's fault. He is the real victim here where he loses his fiancee and also gets jailed for his daughter.

What a mess story....

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Ant-Man and The Wasp (2018)

How's it like to be smaller or bigger as our wish? Will it be fun or maybe thrilling? Or could it be annoying? I would like to ask Ant-Man if I can meet him. XD
I wonder maybe in a few next years, human can make this happen, a molecules quantum technology (?).

Ant-Man is back with its sequel "Ant-Man and The Wasp". Finally I got to watch it after it's premiere on Wednesday, July 4th 2018.
Personally, I really like this one. The humor is my style. The plot is clear. The characters are good too. I even prefer this one than Avengers Infinity War. The lacking point is more about Ant-Man costume design. The mask looks weird. Ghost's mask is far more than worst. I hate that one.

SPOILER - the whole movie :
The movie started with a flash back Hank Pym's memory of losing Janet van Dyne, his wife. Janet was lock to the quantum realm after got shrink as big as molecule to go inside a nuclear missile. She saved so many life but lose hers.
At the other side, Scott Lang was being house arrest after what had happened at the airport battle when he helped Captain America. Because of that, Hope and Hank Pym got into troubles with FBI and need to hide. Their relationship went bad. No more Ant-man.
After the last time, Lang could go out from the quantum realm, Hope and Hank believed that Janet was still alive. If they could that her location, maybe they could get her out from the quantum realm. For that mission, they made a portable lab and recruited ants to build a machine for opening the quantum realm. One day, Lang left a message to Hank. Said that Lang dreamed about Janet having a hide and seek with a little girl. Both Hope and Hank thought that it was Janet message. Lang's short trip to quantum realm made him to have a connection with Janet. So, Lang was needed to get Janet back.. to get her location.
Hope and Hank kidnapped Lang and began the process of tracking. While getting some part of the machine, an enemy appeared, called "Ghost".  She went after the portable lab to cure her unstable molecules. The unstable molecules made he could go through things but also made her in a lot of pain.
Ghost got the portable lab. Because of the portable lab, Hank, Hope and Lang look for Bill Foster, Hank's ex-partner from the Goliath project. They'd become enemies. But Hank need help to get her wife back. Foster did give a possible idea. But to do the idea, they need Ant-man old costume.But the old costume had been destroyed after the airport battle ..... or not?? Well ... Lang, smartly or stupidly, kept the costume under the best grandma in the world trophy. They sneak to Cassie's school to take it.
After the whole components were complete, they hide in a forest and started the process. They got Janet location. Janet made Lang as her antenna. But because of Lang's carelessness, Luis blow up the hide out because of the truth serum (or not a truth serum??).
Lang cased out from the lab and went back home to save his ass from Agent Woo. But unfortunately, Hope and Pym got arrested and the lab was stolen by Ghost. Lang felt so sorry. He got comforted by Cassie and concluded that he had to save Hope and Hank. He sneak to the FBI office and helped both Hope and Hank escaped. They tracked the Lab location with its tracking device.
When they found Ghost's hide out, they also found out that Bill Foster was with Ghost. He told Ghost's background story and also revealed her plan to extract (?) Janet's quantum energy that could led Janet to death.
With the help of ants, the three of them escaped. They began the pick up process. It was decided that Hank would be the one who dive to quantum realm and Ant-Man with Wasp would guard the lab.
In the quantum realm, Hank was busy admiring its beauty and in the outside, Ant-Man, Wasp plus Luis were busy having a chase with Burch and Ghost. They were fighting in the street of San Fransisco. Because of Burch, Ant-Man was stuck in his giant state and got famous on the net.
Hank saved Janet and both got out from the quantum realm. It turned that maybe Janet could cure Ghost / Ava Starr without died.
Well... it's a happy end.

As usual, Marvel movies are always up with a sneak peak spoiler at the end. In the spoiler, Ant-Man went to quantum realm to get quantum energy for Ava. At the real world, Hank, Janet and Hope operated the machine. But suddenly, before Ant-Man could go out from the quantum realm, Hank, Janet and Hope turned into dust. Ant-Man was locked inside the quantum realm.
I think that scene show the time when Thanos makes half of life in the universe are disintegrated. It means maybe Ant-Man is saved because of him inside the quantum realm. But who'll get him out? It could be a hint that Ant-Man will on the second part of Infinity War.
I'm so excited.

I recommend this movie. It's a fun one. And I think it's more fun to watch it in 4DX or ScreenX.
P.S. : I watch it in ScreenX version and it's a whole new level of cool. ^^

Heart Blackened /침묵 (2017)

People said that blood is thicker than water. Well ... that's what this movie show.  Im Tae San was an influential businessman. He h...